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Open Position
Special Education Aide
Matthew Nicolai
5th Grade Teacher
608-423-9727 ext. 1139
Mandy Fitzgerald
5th Grade Teacher
608-423-9727 ext. 1143
Amanda Kinsley
3rd Grade Teacher
608-423-4345 ext. 1164
Alyssa Alder
CES - Food Service Server
Betsy Bamlett
Office Manager
608-423-9727 ext. 1151
Stephanie Beam
CES - Special Education Aide
Megan Becker
Special Education Assistant
Special Education
Cassie Brownlee
CES - IMC Aide
IMC Personnel
608-423-9727 ext. 1111
Nicole Burchardt
Speech Language Pathologist
Advanced Learning & Interventions
608-423-9727 ext. 1140
Amy Darcangelo
Advanced Learning Coordinator
Advanced Learning & Interventions
608-423-9727 ext. 2108
Patricia Doeberlein
Special Education Aide
Special Education
Liz Dostal
Director of Teaching and Learning
Special Education
Kayla Drews
4th Grade Teacher
4th Grade Team
608-423-9727 ext. 1141
Sarah Dudnik
CES General Music Teacher
608-423-9727 ext. 1154
Diane Ehrke Luginbuhl
CES - Food Service Lead Cook
Judy Filter
Food Service & Nutrition Director
608-423-9727 ext. 1116